All members of the School Cubes team have wide experience in technology development and child education. But besides these qualities, we are parents concerned about our children’s education. We love to watch them playing and having fun with the amazing children’s applications that currently exist for iPad and iPhone. It is precisely this experience what allowed us to discover the possibility of developing educational applications reinforced by a fun experience.

Rafael Castillo (Designer)
Fascinated by the world of creativity and publicity, loves everything related with design and multimedia production. In love with his beautiful family and the Spanish cuisine.

José Bernabeu (Developer)
Very pragmatic person. Loves his work, nowadays working in technological and educational environments. His passions are photography and food … and certainly enjoy them.

José Manuel Blanes (Developer)
Father, Professor and Engineer, fascinated by electronics, has managed to merge his passions working as university professor. Always looking for new ways to apply new technologies in education. Amateur runner, sport that allows him to have long meetings alone.

Jennifer Zanza (Adaptation of educational contents)
Optimistic and vital. Enjoy every day of her job as a early childhood education teacher, teaching students and learning from them.

Vicente Lorente (evaluation of didactic resources)
Insatiable devourer of books, especially those related to educational issues and contemporary literature. In continuing education about new technologies applied to education.